Carpet Cleaning Machine for Rent

Let’s face it, carpets can get pretty dirty and sometimes we ignore it and put it off until the inevitable “later.” There’s no reason to put it off, though, and it doesn’t even have to cost a lot of money. If the idea of a company coming into your home isn’t appealing, there are plenty of places that offer carpet cleaning machines for rent. This will enable you to get your carpet clean yourself without actually having to purchase one.

Various Kinds of Carpet Cleaning Machines For Rent

Most carpet cleaning machines for rent use steam clean technology or shampoo to get the carpet clean. What this means is that the carpet is saturated with product and spin brushes get the solution into the carpet fibers. The carpet is then steamed with hot water as a rinse and the product, along with the dirt, is extracted from the carpet. It will take an hour or more for the carpets to dry, which means traffic needs to stay off of it until they are completely dry.

One of the most common brands of carpet cleaning machines for rent is the Rug Doctor. It is located in over 33,000 stores across the country. Other brands include Service Magic, Steambrite and Galaxy. Many stores may even have a house brand that they utilize.

A harder to find carpet cleaning machine for rent is that of the dry clean system. It uses a dry compound to attract dirt. A benefit to this is the floors are dry immediately after cleaning. If this is the system you are looking for, you’ll need to look at renting from a company rather than a store.

Where to Find Carpet Cleaning Machines For Rent

Many different stores and businesses will rent a carpet cleaning machine to you. It will depend on what kind you are looking for and how much you want to pay.

Most of the carpet cleaning machines for rent will require you to go and pick up the machine and then return it to the store that you got it from. A typical rental machine is meant for home use and will cost under $50 per day. In addition to the daily cost, you’ll also have to supply the cleaning product, which can be just as costly. It’s important to use the right kind of solution for the machine as they vary from each brand.

You’ll be able to get carpet cleaning machines from a variety of locations. These include your home improvement stores like Home Depot and Lowes. Many grocery stores also offer a carpet cleaning machine for rent. If you have a specific kind in mind, it may limit your choices a little depending upon the city you live in. Some cleaning companies also offer their machines for rent and will even offer pickup and delivery of the machine.

To get exactly the kind of carpet cleaning machines for rent that you want, you will need to do a little homework. Call around and shop rates. Some places will offer discounts and coupons where others may even match a rate. Get the best deal possible and have your carpets looking to the best of their potential.

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